Actionable Intelligence for a Safe, Secure, & Connected World

Trusted Lawful and Location Intelligence Solutions

Communication Intelligence

High-speed mediation platforms providing both passive and active interception for any communication network.

Advanced Data Filtering & Delivery

Platform-agnostic data filtering and retention capabilities to collect and securely deliver data to intelligence agencies.

Real-Time Analytics & Visualization

Sophisticated analytics that fuse diverse datasets to reveal patterns of life for subjects, track device locations, and provide compelling visual representations for analysts.

Location-based services (LBS) providing highly accurate and reliable device location intelligence for emergency services, law enforcement, and mobile network operators.

Actionable Investigative Insights

Comprehensive lawful intelligence solutions provide law enforcement agencies real-time forensic insights to help protect our society.

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Communication Provider Compliance

Real-time communication interception solutions that support all network types to comply with local regulations or laws.

Emergency Services Accuracy

Precise, reliable, and fast location intelligence to help first responders locate emergency callers and maximize lives saved.

Government Agency Intelligence

Mission-critical intelligence to help government agencies asses global threats, enhance decision-making, and drive operational effectiveness.

Law Enforcement Investigations

Innovative solutions that simplify the correlation and analysis of multiple data sets to gain actionable intelligence and accelerate results.

See What You’ve Been Missing

Leading Lawful Intelligence solutions used to capture, deliver, visualize and analyze investigative data.

Proven Expertise

6 of the World’s Largest Intelligence Agencies

8 of the 14 Largest Communications Providers

5 of the World’s Largest Systems Integrators

Free White Paper Download

Impact of 5G on Location Accuracy & Lawful Interception