The Evolving State of Audio Processing in Lawful Intelligence
The Evolving State of Audio Processing in Lawful Intelligence

Lawful interception of voice by LEAs harkens back to a time when unencrypted phone calls over a wireline carrier network defined electronic communication. In the smartphone era, other methods have proliferated.

Five Layers of Assurance for Lawful Intelligence Deployments
Five Layers of Assurance for Lawful Intelligence Deployments

Intelligence implementations can involve thousands of network functions. Discover the benchmark for reliable mission-critical deployments, including a multi-layered approach for security and high availability.

SecDevOps for Multilayer Security in Intelligence Platforms
SecDevOps for Multilayer Security in Intelligence Platforms

Security is a core engineering requirement for the SS8 platform, governed by strict sets of requirements at every stage, including ongoing automated scans of code, builds, packaging, and network traffic.

Lawful Intelligence Evolution with AI and Machine Learning
Lawful Intelligence Evolution with AI and Machine Learning

By gathering, collating, and drawing possible conclusions from all available information, AI and ML can act as resource multipliers for lawful and location intelligence, just as they do for network operations.

The Hidden Costs of Low Budget Lawful Interception
The Hidden Costs of Low Budget Lawful Interception

The limited scope and rigid architectures of some lawful intelligence platforms can lead to expensive change orders. SS8 is built to scale on demand while minimizing cost and operational impact.

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How to Ingest, Filter and Query 5G Volumes

Webinar Presented by Kevin McTiernan

CLICK HERE to watch!