Network Intelligence Powers Hunt for Devices and Suspects of Interest

Network Intelligence Powers Hunt for Devices and Suspects of Interest - SS8 Networks

The network is the source of truth for uncovering both devices and suspects of interest. SS8’s unique ability to extract intelligence from network communications right up to the application layer has propelled SS8 to a breakthrough year in terms of revenue growth, customer acquisition and expansion into new markets.

Today, we announced our record revenues and profitability for the previous fiscal year. Not only did we expand our leadership position in the law enforcement, intelligence and communications sectors, but we also achieved major traction among enterprises looking to implement continuous monitoring for breach detection and response.

The surge in demand was seen across our network intelligence, compliance and breach detection solutions and among enterprises, critical infrastructure industries, governments, law enforcement agencies, and communication services providers.

For those who may not be familiar with SS8, our network intelligence solutions service three core markets: communications analysis and compliance for communications providers; analyzing communications for law enforcement and intelligence agency investigations; and continuous retrospective network analysis for enterprise breach detection.

Each SS8 solution identifies and classifies communication packets and then generates, stores and analyzes months, and even years, of high-definition records (HDRs) from these network communications. This intelligence is used to uncover digital footprints associated with devices of interest (DOI) and suspects of interest (SOI) to uncover previously unknown threats.

SS8 achieved the following milestones in the past 12 months:

  • Deployed in one of the world’s largest software-defined network (SDN) communications networks for security monitoring and compliance
  • Selected and deployed by the world’s leading Internet services company
  • Eight of the 14 largest communications providers now rely on SS8 for analysis and compliance
  • Monitoring two of the world’s largest public safety LTE networks for anomalous activity
  • Now deployed by 90% of law enforcement and intelligence agencies in a top five European market, up from zero percent four years ago. More than 1,000 analysts are actively using SS8 in the country.
  • Deployed to gather cyber intelligence that is used to fight organized crime and terrorism in six of the world’s largest economies
  • Introduced new cloud-delivered breach detection offering for enterprises that uses intelligence agency-grade communications analytics to identify compromised devices-of-interest without human intervention
  • Released the 2016 Threat Rewind Report, which revealed the top cybersecurity evasion and exfiltration techniques used by attackers to comprised enterprises
  • Recognized as a key vendor in November 2016 Forrester Research report, Vendor Landscape: Security Analytics (SA), written by senior analyst, Joseph Blankenship
  • Recognized by a leading industry analyst research firm as a top provider of Network Traffic Analysis (NTA)

About SS8 Networks

SS8 provides Lawful Intelligence platforms. They work closely with leading intelligence agencies, communication providers, law enforcement agencies and standards bodies and their technology incorporates the methodologies discussed in this blog. Xcipio® is already proven to meet the very high demands of 5G and provides the ability to transcode (convert) between lawful intercept handover versions and standard families. Intellego® XT natively supports ETSI, 3GPP and CALEA handovers, as well as national variants. Intellego XT’s MetaHub component is a best-in-class data analytics tool. Both product portfolios are used worldwide for the capture, analysis and delivery of data for the purposes of criminal investigations.

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