SS8 Lawful Intelligence Solutions: Virtualized and Cloud Ready

Offering unparalleled cloud-based end-to-end lawful intelligence

MILPITAS, Calif., January 14, 2020SS8 Networks, the leader in Lawful Intercept and Monitoring Center platforms, is proud to announce the launch of its new virtualized end-to-end lawful intelligence platform to meet the demands of 5G data volumes and complex monitoring needs. 

SS8’s innovative cloud-based solution is designed to enhance both the speed and the reliability of network mediation capabilities. It has been tested in Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) environments and deployed in 4G/5G and Broadband networks and applications such as Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) – supporting all internet-connected devices and mission critical communications.  Proactively designed to support low to zero-touch deployments, SS8’s new virtualized platform is now available for all Communications Service Providers (CSPs) globally.

Keith Bhatia, COO of SS8 Networks, said: “Lawful Intelligence has been SS8’s focus for 20 years. As LEA’s struggle with more encrypted data and networks become more complex, we have doubled down on our commitment to provide leading-edge and cost-effective solutions.  SS8’s new platform greatly improves the real-time visibility into IoT devices and provides Law Enforcement Agencies with the best intelligence possible.

About SS8 Networks
SS8 Networks, a network intelligence company, provides solutions to help customers quickly identify, track, and investigate devices and subjects of interest. SS8 is trusted by six of the largest intelligence agencies, eight of the fourteen largest communications providers and five of the largest systems integrators.

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How to Ingest, Filter and Query 5G Volumes

Webinar Presented by Kevin McTiernan

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